Indonesian, Dutch and English word images sharing the same meaning. This trilingual publication is the result of the four letter word project CUMA KATA-KATA/HEEL KORT HEEL EVEN/HEAR HERE 2022-2023.

- Hardcover sewn binding, 250 x 210 mm, 88 pages,
108 word images, full colour
- Texts: Maaike Drescher and Alex de Vries
Translation editors: Lilian Cooper (en), Rani Permata Sari (id)
- Design and production: Jan Willem den Hartog
- Publishing house De Zwaluw, The Hague
ISBN 978-90-77794-41-8 | € 27,50 + shipping
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Zig zag folder with 12x images of twelve letter words in Dutch, accompanied with prose by Landa van Vliet ‘Levenswandel tot mijn twaalfde’ (‘Walk of life until I was twelve’) - originally made for the context of the Synod of Dordrecht, exhibition Het Woord in Pictura (April 30 - May 5 2019) Read more

103,6 x 21 cm (folded A5 = 14,8 x 21 cm), digital print on 350 gs paper, limited edition 144 + 12 / € 24,00 + shipping
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NL €6 - with track&trace -> Europe €12 -> World €22+